Saturday, August 17, 2013

Happy Birthday Husband

Today is the husband's birthday. He's my favorite person so I like to think about him a lot on his birthday. He's one of those miracle babies so for him to be my husband, and the dad of 4 kids... well, he's just a miracle. So! This year I've decided to make up a list. I love that song If I Had a Million Dollars. That's probably not the name and I don't know the artist, but hopefully you know the song because it's awesome. Anyway, if I had a million dollars this is what I would buy for Larry's birthday:

-A house big enough to put a Martins restaurant inside with a full staff.
-Season tickets to every baseball team in America so he can go to any game at any time. Actually, I wouldn't buy season tickets to the Mets or Yankees. I don't want to give them any money.
-A private jet to fly to all the games.
-A pair of every kind of Air Jordan's ever made in his size. That way, he could say he owned every pair of Air Jordan's.
-A brand new BMW. A few of them actually.
-A car wash built in our house. (The man loves a clean car)
-A private chef with the directions to make steak for every meal.
-Oh. And some new pants. All of his buttons come off and I don't sew.

I think that about covers it. Though I may need more than a million dollars. The husband has expensive taste.



Teri said...

He is pretty special - but don't spoil him too much. With the million, make sure there is 1 pair of Air Jordan's he doesn't own. It will keep him humble :-)

The Mrs. said...

Haha! :)