Sunday, June 2, 2013

Grayson and the Water Sprayer

At 19 months, Grayson drives us nutty. He doesn't care what his brothers are doing, he doesn't care what we use to coax him to get him to do what we want, he does what HE wants. All. The. Time. All the time. It's not even in the typical "I'm 19 months and I'm not going to listen to you anymore!" kind of way. It's more of a, "That's cool. I'm just going to go over here and (insert something we don't want him to do). No offense to you guys or anything, but you're boring. This is way more fun!" 

In the scene below, we were all in the kitchen. All of a sudden Grayson started pushing the chair from the table to the sink. Larry and I just said, "Oh. Great. Whatcha doing, Grayson?" and watched. Because that's what we do- we watch and wait and see. We're always guaranteed a laugh. 

 And come on, who can resist this smile!?
 Now this picture I did not mean to get! I was just snapping the camera and as I was taking the picture I was yelling, "No licking! Yucky!" 

The bottom line is, he's adorable and curious and crazy. Gotta love him. 

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