Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Silly Boys

The boys have been so cute the past couple of days! I love having this extra time as a family. It never escapes me that many families don't get to spend time like this and we enjoy every minute! 

Yesterday in the car Jared covered his eyes and smiled. When he lifted his hands I said Peek a Boo! He laughed and we played it over and over. He doesn't really cover his eyes, though. He puts his arms on his head so he can still see you, but he thinks you can't see him. We loved it because Isaac never did that. He just started hiding himself and yelling Peek A Boo! at us recently. Also, Jared loves to throw a ball at you. Isaac would take the ball you threw and play with it, but he wouldn't give it back. Jared throws it at you with some strength!

We celebrated Christmas morning here on Sunday since we won't be here on Christmas. It was awesome! Isaac is at such a fun age and loved all of the toys from his grandparents! Jared had fun, too, of course. He loves playing with cars. Isaac took his hammer from his tool set and said, "Fixing the car" and started hammering the car. Adorable!

Jared is pointing and trying to talk as much as he can. He has been saying "Hey Daddy" to Larry :) 

Isaac is turning into such a little boy. Earlier today he took off his pants and was walking around in a long sleeved shirt, diaper, red shoes and red socks. We kept asking him if you wanted to put his pants back on, but of course he didn't. I can't believe we're entering that phase!

Christmas has a different meaning to me now that I am a mother. I have so many worries about our boys and about being good parents. I can't help but think of Mary and all the worries she must have had. That's some serious pressure to be told you are going to raise the Son of God! At the same time, wow, what a gift. I'm so thankful to know that Jesus is our Lord and He was sent to save us. I wish you all a very Merry Christmas! 

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