Friday, December 17, 2010


Yikes, has it really been a month since I last made a post? Wow is all I have to say to that.

Well, we are alive! The boys seem like they are constantly fighting a cold. Tis the season :(

Jared has a new tooth coming in, so between his cold and the tooth he has been exceptionally needy. Today he laughed more than he has in days, and it was a beautiful sound to hear! 

The boys are both growing like weeds. They both have hit new phases again where they look older and different. Jared is losing his chunky baby look, which is sad, but when he is walking around so much it's no figure that he's going to get lean! He is everywhere... his favorite places are the bathroom (splashing in the toilet and pulling the toilet paper off the roll are his favorite things to do) and the trash can (did you know there's lint in the trash can? Lint is amazing to a 1 year old!) Needless to say, if we aren't holding him we are after him. He doesn't like the word "No" too much. He just looks at you, then tries again. You repeat No Touch and he freezes to look at you, like he's not sure if you are talking to him or someone else. By the time you say it the 4th or 5th time he walks away, but he cries as if you have just completely broken his heart and he will never forget or forgive. It's tragic. He's trying to talk now, which is crazy. He still just talks gibberish, but he has said Cookie and Bye Bye. It's adorable :) He points to things he wants and makes sure that you know what he wants. 

Meanwhile, Isaac is talking up a storm. He has started saying complete sentences and is very good at expressing what he wants. He's started getting more jealous of Jared lately. He has been pushing him more and when Jared cries now, Isaac throws his hand up and yells "Stop Jared!" It's not very pleasant and doesn't help the situation. But we're working with him and most of the time he is really good with his brother. To give him credit, if Jared is asleep Isaac asks for him and he is always very excited to see him in the mornings. (So excited, in fact, that he has gone into Jared's room in the morning to wake him up. Not cool for Mommy and Daddy.) We try to give both boys alone time to play without the other and we are working with both on sharing. I'm sure it will get a lot harder before it gets better :) 

The really good news is that the alien that was living in Isaac for awhile has left. He rarely has to go to time out anymore. He's certainly not an angel (as I'm writing this he is slowly walking around the tree as close as he can without touching it), but he is learning that Mommy and Daddy are boss and is doing a much better job of listening, even when he doesn't want to. 

I have a feeling it's the calm before the storm, but regardless, he's cute :) 

Here are the pictures from November. 

This was taken on one of the days I was home sick. Isaac was reading his truck book to me while he cuddled with me under the covers, haha

Pushing his brother around :)

Snack time!

PB&J :)

Eating an orange...

Snuggle time :)

Drinking from a big boy cup!

Also, I post pictures often on Facebook. If you follow the blog, but aren't friends with me on FB, look me up! 

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