Saturday, June 29, 2013

Cutest Kid Contest

What happens when you take an indecisive mother of 4 and give her the opportunity to enter a Cutest Kid Contest? A blog post of 27 pictures! And I didn't even include any of Katie! I need your help! Let me know which picture you think I should submit for the ACTUAL contest :) (Yes, I know I'm a dork. But my kids are putting together some Lego thing with Daddy and I like going through old pics :) )

1) Isaac
 2) Isaac

 3) Isaac and Jared
 4) Isaac and Jared
5) Isaac, Jared and Grayson
 6) Jared

 7) Isaac

8) Isaac
9) Grayson
10) Isaac
 11) Isaac

 12) Jared
13) Grayson
 14) Isaac
15) Isaac

16) Jared

17) Jared
18) Grayson
19) Grayson

20) Grayson
21) Grayson
22) Isaac

23) Isaac, Jared, Grayson

24) Grayson
25) Grayson
26) Isaac and Jared

27) ME! Haha :) Hey, my kids get their cuteness from somewhere, right? ;)  (And this one is a joke, I'm only submitting a picture of one of my kids ;) )


Anonymous said...

I vote for #5 :)

Unknown said...

Ii like number 5 as well, but that face in number 13 has got to be my favorite. ;-)