Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Big Brothers!

I'm always worried when a new baby enters the family. I'm never sure how the previous kiddos are going to react. When Jared entered our family Isaac was thrilled. We joked that we had given him the best present ever! When Grayson came along it was interesting to watch their reactions. Jared was very curious, but Isaac was more interested in watching from afar. It took him awhile before he was comfortable touching Grayson or coming too close. This time, the boys were far more aware of Katie's impending arrival. We looked at pictures of babies in utero to see her grow and develop. We watched a few birth videos and discussed how she was going to come out of my belly. When we realized I was in labor on Thursday, Larry started cleaning up. He told Isaac that Katie was going to come out of my belly soon. Isaac said, "I'm going to help Mommy! I'm going to blow up the pool and when Katie comes out I'm going to get the scissors. I'm going to give her girl hair, like this!" He pulled at the sides of his head, like pigtails. He was very excited! That night it was sad putting the boys to bed- Isaac especially wanted to stay up. We promised we would wake up them when she was born. The next morning they were in the playroom and came in after her birth. Grayson immediately grabbed at her head and Jared gently touched her. Isaac stood back and smiled a great big, proud smile. He wasn't ready to touch her, but he was very excited. :) Over these past few days I've been so impressed with my boys. They never cease to surprise me. They truly are the sweetest brothers. They are all three so happy to have Katie here. We were sure Grayson would have some jealousy issues, but he's been so great! After a couple of days I asked Isaac if he wanted to touch Katie and he gently touched her with one finger. Since then he's held her and touches her softly sometimes. Isaac and Jared are always quick to tell me to feed her the second they hear her whimper or make any noise at all. They are very very sweet toward her :) Here are some pictures of the boys with their new baby sister, Katie :)


Unknown said...

So sweet. You can tell they love her. (I can't believe how big Grayson looks next to Katie.)

Pam Hamilton said...

Beautiful memories. Isaac will probably be her biggest protector!!! I'm so happy for you all. Much love.