Thursday, June 10, 2010


Larry went out of town for ALLIANCE last week and I made sure to keep the boys (and myself) very busy! One of the adventures we had was to a place called Jump Its. It's full of inflatable bounce houses and a giant slide. Isaac was VERY scared at first (Jared was asleep at first) and did not like the sound of the machines that kept the bounce houses full of air. Once he saw some other kids show up he was off and running around. He absolutely loves other kids and it made me so happy that we have Jared. It's a lot of work, but knowing that he will always have a friend around makes it all worth it! Here is a picture of my baby going up the ladder all by himself! I had to go with him the first couple of times, but once he saw the other kids climbing by themselves, he did not want my help anymore.

Whoops! Having some trouble climbing up
Doing better...
Almost there!
All ready to come down the very big slide!
A very blurry picture as he came down the slide. He loved it and kept climbing up and sliding down, yelling "Wheeee!"

When we got home both boys were wiped out! Isaac played for about 2 hours and while we were there Jared woke up and I played with him on the floor with some toys, nursed him and then played some more before we left.
My favorite part of this picture is that Isaac was so tired he couldn't even finish the cracker he started eating on the way home.

I put both boys in bed then fell asleep myself!

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