Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Just an update over the past month...

Isaac is now 22 months and I scheduled his 2 year check up appointment at the doctor. He is growing so fast!

Jared is 6 months and has one tooth on the bottom. I've never seen a baby only get 1 tooth at a time, so it's just one more way that he is different from Isaac :) He is starting to sit up on his own now, but when I am behind him to catch him, he turns his head to see me and that makes him fall! He's still waking up once or twice at night, but he usually goes to bed at 7 and wakes up for the day at 7 or 8. The 4 AM feeding doesn't really bother me since he goes back to sleep and stays asleep for awhile. I'm still nursing and pumping, and he has started on solids as well. We decided to start making the baby food to save on money and because it's a lot easier than we realized! So far Jared has had carrots, bananas, green beans and squash (which Larry won't feed him. He claims it smells "horrible.") The little guy is going to have apples next. He LOVES his food! His favorite thing is when you just give him the spoon and let him suck every last bit off.

In other news, teachers are losing jobs in my county, but I have a contract. I'll find out on Friday what grade I'm teaching next year. I'm thinking about getting my Specialist's degree, though I may decide to wait a few more years. We're still weighing the pros and cons. I've also started a non profit, Happily Ever After, where we are going to provide babies with books. There are a group of motivated teachers that I work with who are going to help me get it set up this summer.

Larry is still working at Jennings and with ALLIANCE. He's also getting ready to compete in Rochester in September. DYNASTY has made drums for him to use and he's really excited to use them!

The boys have been so much fun lately! Isaac loves to give kisses now and he hugs Jared and gives him kisses, too. Now that Jared can sit up there's a whole new world of toys as well. We've gotten into a nice little routine around the house. I can't wait to be home with them all this summer! :)

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