Saturday, February 13, 2010

The Way Home... the not so good part

After we left Lumber City we got back on the road. Somewhere on I-16, before we got to Macon, we had to pull over because Larry saw sparks. After checking under the car and seeing a flame, he had all of us get out of the car. Once the fire went away we all got back in the car since it was freezing and by this point, very dark out. Just let me tell you, I have never been that frightened. Isaac sits behind the driver's side, so every time a car flew by us I was so scared they would hit his side of the car. Larry and I worked well as a team, though. Phone calls were made and we were towed to Macon. The owner of the towing company drove us in his van to a hotel, which is where the pictures are from. I knew I was going to do a post on our little adventure and needed the pictures. It was a learning experience, to say the least. We finally made it home the next evening at 8pm. If nothing else, we got some family time together as we were stuck in the room while our car was worked on. Isaac and I slept in one bed while Larry slept with Jared. I haven't slept with Isaac since he was a little baby. He snuggled up with me and slept with his head on my shoulder. It was precious! As stressful as it was, we felt blessed to have family we could call on for help and it was nice to know Larry and I can work well together in times like those.

Isaac exploring the hotel lobby with his blankie
It's crazy to me that our boys will have no recollection of our night in Macon.

Isaac is such a good helper!
Playing in the hotel room.

A good bath killed some time on Tuesday.
Our poor beat up boy. Within minutes of being in the room Isaac was running and tripped right into the corner of the end table. You can't see it from this picture, but there was also a big bump on his forehead. I had to call the nurse at midnight to find out what to look for in a concussion. Thankfully he did not have one!
Jared giving us his "What is going on here?" look
Isaac reading the paper with Daddy :)

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