Thursday, January 7, 2010

Happy 18 Month Birthday, Isaac!

I had no idea an 18 month had so much personality! This past month Isaac has been such a sponge, learning new words and understanding so much more of what we say. His favorite thing to do now is read and he is always bringing us books to read to him. He can point out the pictures in the books, even of objects we didn't think we taught him. For example, one day I asked him where the red barn was and he pointed right to it. Then yesterday he started pointing to the red barn and saying red barn. It's amazing! We can ask him to bring things to us and he will.

He's also a climber now. I caught him sitting on top of the coffee table the other day reading a book. Yesterday Larry said he climbed up on a dining room chair, climbed up onto the table, then climbed on top of a big case of water bottles so he could climb up on top of a bin that was sitting on top of the table to play with a keyboard. When he sees something he wants, he will get to it, and quickly!

Oh, and the kid loves football. He throws his arms up for a touchdown and says something that sounds like touchdown and will continue to do that until you turn football on TV. Then he smiles and is happy. Crazy kid :)

For Christmas his Grandma Teri and Grandpa Steve gave him an Elmo flyer (or as Isaac says it, Momo) that he can ride on. He loves it!

I can't remember why he was mad here, but it's still cute
Little man pj's
He loves to brush his teeth! (And he has 4 more coming in! Once these are in, he only has one set of molars and he is done teething, whoohoo!)

New Year's Eve we went to a friend's parents' house. Isaac and Cole had fun playing the piano, and later, driving a big truck along the piano :)

Again with the pictures, Mom?
Reading the menu that came with his restaurant
Doing what he does best... bringing us a book
Climbing on top of the ottoman
I did it!!
Listening to music on the headphones is something he also likes to do now, but he throws a fit when the song stops. He doesn't like waiting those 2 seconds for the next song to begin.

Playing with my nursing cover... he was walking around like this and being silly

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